Monday, January 18, 2010

Bowtech Archery Bows

Bowtech, one of the leaders in manufacturing Archery bows, is the champions cradle. Bowtech's tag line is "Refuse To Follow". This trademark as allowed the company to grow strong and stand proud among the top in the field of Archery.

The expert team of engineers contribute to the designing of bows that are manufactured by Bowtech. There are a wide range of products offerd by The company. There product line is categorized in various names that best describe the benefits and features of that Bow. Here are some of the brilliant bows Bowtech offers: The General, Guardian, Commander, Constitution and Allegiance. All the bows at Bowtech Archery are designed with a variety of different dimensions in order to accommodate the needs of the Archery shooters.

The General has a design which will spread the pressure equally on the limbs and give stability to the movements of the archery shooter. The dimensions of this bow are brace height: 81/4”, draw weight: 50-60-70, draw length: 26"-30", Kinetic Energy: 77.13 fpe, IBO Smooth MOD: 300-308 fps Adjustable Let-off: 65%-80%draw weight: 50-60-70.

The Guardian bows have the ace shooters in mind. These arrows are best for improving. The dimensions of this archery Bow are: Brace Height: 7 1/8" Draw Weight: 50-60-70-80 Draw Length: 25"-30.5" Axle to Axle: 33 3/4" Speed MOD IBO: 317-325 fps Kinetic Energy: 82.11 fpe Adjustable Let-off: 65%-80%.

The Commander Series are designed for the delivery of shots to be smoother. The dimensions of this product are Brace Height: 8" Draw Weight: 50-60-70 Draw Length: 26.5"-31.5" Axle to Axle: 37.5" Speed MOD IBO: 310-318 fps Kinetic Energy: 78.61 fpe Adjustable Let-off: 65%-80%.

A team of highly talented engineers designed Bowtech Archery's 82nd Airborne series. The dimensions of this product are Brace Height: 6 1/8" Draw Weight: 60-70, Draw Length: 26.5"-30.5", Axle to Axle: 36 1/2", Speed MOD IBO: 342-350 fps Kinetic Energy: 95.23 fpe IBO Smooth MOD: 330-338 fps Adjustable Let-off: 65%-80%.

What makes these bows unique are the one piece wood polymer grip that Bowtech Archery designed. This design provides excellent stability and grip during the game. Known as the Hot Pursuit Heated Grip, is created by heating the tree stand at a temperature of 40 to 50 degrees. This grip for these archery bows are resistant to water allowing it to be used during the rainy season as well.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Archery How To Shoot Targets

Archery how to shoot, is split into two types, for example Field Archery and Target Archery. To shoot archery targets, the archer shoots the arrow from various distances at one target. These targets are usually block targets. When competing in Field archery, the archers are permitted to move around and shoot at targets of various sizes and distances.

The bows which are used in archery how to shoot, are constructed of fiberglass or carbon and contain fitted stabilizers and sights. The stabilizers purpose is to stabilize the bow for the player. The arrows have pointed tips that are made of metal. These arrows are provided with slots to attach the strings of the bows.

Ropes, which are made out of straw, are sewed together to create the archery how to shoot targets also known as butts. The targets consist of  paper on canvas which is then pinned with color, a block target made of foam with several different marks placed around the block and 3D archery targets which are the most popular target used by the sport today.

When applying archery how to shoot targets, there are rules that need to be followed by the participants. In a competition, players can use any bow they would like except the Crossbowl. A Crossbow is not allowed in this competition.

In competition it is required for each player to have their own unique crest, with different colors, on their arrows to identify themselves seperately. Archers are also not allowed to shoot any arrow until they have been given a signal by a judge.

Archery how to shoot, allows the archer to only use six arrows for any specified target. All arrows will count regardless of wether the arrow has hit a target or fallen straight to the ground. There are no do-overs.  In archery Shooting the competition always begins by shooting the furthest target by distance first then starts to gradually shorten as the competition progresses.

There is a difference in the distances made in archery how to shoot, during competition. Men and Women archers will shoot different distances. For example, men will shoot 90, 70, 50 and 30 meters. Women shoot at 70, 60, 50 and 30 meters.  Archery shooting has become a very popular sport and keeps gaining popularity as the years progress. This is a skilful sport which can be very self gratifying and is a great deal of fun as well!

There are a variety of archery how to shoot targets that one can use. Targets that have a durable face and are applied together with pressure and heat, are known as the pro weave target. 3D archery targets are the  favorite choice by archers. They bring more challange and excitement to the sport and can be used by either a beginner or Master Archer.

3D archery targets can be made at home. You can make them with corrugated cardboard, foam padding, cording, excelsior and wooden boards.  Block target are used for range shooting and to bring archery how to shoot, to a more precise skill. These targets are square and made of foam.

Archery requires high concentration. Continued learning is a must. Learn unique techniques that make you stand out. To be able to master the art of archery how to shoot and be consistent in target shooting you must improve your technique, no matter what skill level you are at. Your title of a Master Pro Archer, is within shooting range.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Archery How To Leverage The Bows

In Archery How To Know The Different Types of  Bows is Important

The Bows are used to shoot the arrows. In ancient times bows were highly used in combat and hunting. Archery how to shoot, which uses bows and arrows, has become a very popular sport. There are many types of archery bows available today in the market. In the Master Archery how to guide you will learn the importance of the basic types of Archery bows. Lets go over some of them:

Archery Longbow:

The Longbows are tall, they will actually be taller then the Archer. They have relatively narrow limbs which have a D shaped cross section. As compared to other bows, they are not significantly recurved. Traditional English longbows are made in such a way that their thickness are 5/8 or more of its width. If it is less than the specified width then the bow is disqualified from long bow competitions.

In Archery how to be knowledgeable of the sport is necessary if you want to take part in a long bow competition,  it is a requirement that your long bow meet the desired specifications. The Longbow is widest at the handle. They have been known to be used for warfare and hunting by many ancient cultures of the world.

Throughout the Middle ages, English long bows were frequently used. The English long bow was 6.6 feet i.e. and approximately 2 meters long. The Scottish and Welsh used these type of bows as a war weapon. It was used in famous battles such as The Battle of Crecy in 1346 and The Battle of Agincourt in 1415.

Archery Flat bow:

The Flat bows are non recurved, and have relatively wide limbs. They posess a more rectangular cross-section. In the master Archery how to guide it states that most modern flat bows are very similar to the classic longbows.

Archery Shortbows:

These are Shorter versions of the flat bow and longbow designs. Short bows are more maneuverable then its counter parts which makes it an important feature. Because the bow is short, it does not allow the arrow to be drawn very far. The Short bows were highly used for hunting by American Tribes and African Bushman because they stored less energy. Less energy would cause the maximum range to not be as long as that of a longbow.

Archery Recurve Bows:

The Archery Recurve bow is the only bow that is used at the Olympics. Because these Bows are very light weighted, many Olympic Archers prefer them. The Archery recurve Bows operate in the same basic fashion as the traditional Longbows. Its curve forward and Limb ends, assist in making the draw smoother.

Archery Compound Bows:

An Archery Compound bow, gives the Archer an easier hold because it significantly reduces force. This reduction in force is necessary when holding a compound bow at full draw, which allows the user to give more concentration to the target. Archery Compound Bows also store energy. Archery how to master your bows, states that Compound bows are designed using elliptical or cam wheels on the limb ends which gives the bow energy is also stored by this bow. The Compound bow designs use elliptical or cam wheels on limb ends which optimizes leverage produced by the Archer.

Archery Crossbow:

Crossbows are a variation of compound and recurve bows however the limbs are mounted horizontally. Shooting these bows are bascially the same, the Archer will manually pull the string, windlass or manually, then lock it into place. The string is held mechanically in the locked position. The energy that builds in its limbs, is released by a trigger mechanism, which will launch the arrow.

You can get more detailed information on other types of bow brands as well as expert tips, strategies, and techniques on how to master these bows, with this comprehensive Archery how to instructional guide. Archery is an exciting sport and has gained much popularity over the years. It will continue to increase in popularity as the years progress.